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100's of students experience God and discover their God given identity
Our teachers and courses help students see how they can make a difference
Life School focuses your passion to bring Jesus to those you encounter. - Leave a legacy you can be proud of
Newly Added Courses
Father-Son Theology
Harold Eberle takes you on a thought-provoking journey that helps you better understand the heart of God & the type of relationship he desires to have with you. You will better understand what in history influenced today's Christian Theology.
Ignite Hope
Steve Backlund, an encourager, leader developer, joy activist, and a revivalist teacher, speak on igniting hope. In this course Steve talks about surrendering our beliefs to Christ, stirring up Hope, and the Joy of the Lord.
The Father's Love
Abi & Justin Stumvoll talk about the Father's Love and His Heart for us. They share their own testimonies of how God has encountered them with His overwhelming Love.
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